Object Oriented Programming(OOP) Series: Inheritance
Inheritance in simple terms with illustrations
In this series as promised earlier we'll be brushing up OOP concepts in the most simplest form with examples in PHP, Javascript and Dart.
So far in this series we've covered Classes & Objects , Attributes & Methods, Constructor & Destructor, and Access modifier
Access modifiers(specifiers) are keywords or terms that defines the accessibility of classes, methods, and attributes. Access modifiers varies according to the syntax used by OOP languages to enhance the security or coverage of data members and methods.
In programming there are some concepts that apply to real life scenario. Like we said earlier, that OOP is about representing real life scenario in object form. More so since we said that a class is the parent of an object (child) it means that there are some attributes and behavior that are found in the child that can be traced to the parent.
Inheritance: is a terminology that describes the passing of certain features and behavior from a parent to a child (this is not restricted to human beings alone all living things have this). Those of us from the field of biological science or who has studied biology in high school can easily relate with this concept inheritance and how importance it is.
Without further redo take a look at this example: in a family, the child inherits certain features(attributes) or behavior(method) from the mum or dad say height, complexion, passion, agility, temperament etc...
This inheritance approach happens by default in real life scenario. While in programming it can be default and also be defined. So we can decide to say a child is only permitted to have height and good passion but complexion and agility will be private to the parent.
Inheritance is the mechanism in which a class inherit the attributes and methods of another class. The class which inherits from the other class is referred to as child class while the class whose methods and attributes were inherited is known as base class or parent class.
Looking at this approach inheritance can lead to a tree structure. For example tracing a grandchild to the grandparent takes a tree structure.
In inheritance a new class called subclass, derived or child class is created from a super, existing, parent or base class. In the next article we’ll be looking at polymorphism as this concept is more concerned with classes.
Some of the advantages of inheriting attributes and methods from a super class:
the subclass can also have defined attributes and methods
the subclass can override the inherited attributes and methods
optimize the work of programmers
Enhances Do not repeat yourself principle efficiently
If there’s need for modification of a method it can be done from one point where it was created in a class and it’ll take effect on all the subclasses making use of the method.
As the inheritance grows it begins to take a tree structure. The further it grows the deeper the tree structure. Hence the need for dependency injection.
Types of Inheritance:
Single Inheritance: happens if a child class only inherits a single parent class.
Multiple Inheritance: happens when a single child inherits from multiple classes.
Multi-Level Inheritance: happens when a class is inherited from an inherited class.
For example:
Car is a parent class
Toyota class is inherited from Car
Camry class is inherited from Toyota
- Hierarchical Inheritance: different inherited classes (derived class) from the same parent classes.
For example
Car is a parent class
Toyota class is inherited from Car
Mercedes class is inherited from Car
Peugoet class is inherited from Car
Please NOTE: The examples below are just to support the explanation of the inheritance. You could look into the programming language documentation for more information. Thanks!
Simple illustration in Javascript:
Javascript use prototype chaining for inheritance. Prototype can also be referred to as a copy or sample. If properties and methods are traced or linked to another object it's called chaining. In the new versions of the ECMAScript sub class can use the extends keyword to inherit from a parent class
// Super || Parent || Base class
class Car {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
info() {
return 'Car name: ' + this.name;
//using extends keyword to inherit the name attribute and info method from class Car.
// Child || sub || derived class
class Toyota extends Car {
//child class constructor
constructor(name, model) {
//the super keyword is used to reference the parent class
this.carmodel = model;
//child class method accessing the inherited method
details() {
return this.info() + ' and model is: ' + this.carmodel;
let toyota = new Toyota("Camry", "2021");
Car name: Camry and model is: 2021
Internally, extends keyword works using the prototype mechanics. It sets Toyota.prototype.[[Prototype]] to Car.prototype.
Simple illustration in Dart:
// Super || Parent || Base class
class Car{
// parent method
void info(){
print("Practicing inheritance in dart! from parent class");
// Child || sub || derived class
class Toyota extends Car{
//sub class method
void details (){
print("Practicing inheritance in dart! from child class");
void main() {
var toyota = new Toyota();
//accesing inherited info method from parent class
//accesing details method in child class
Output Practicing inheritance in dart! from parent class Practicing inheritance in dart! from child class
Simple illustration in PHP:
class Car{
public $name;
public $model;
public function __construct($name, $model) {
$this -> name = $name;
$this -> model= $model;
public function info() {
echo "Car Name: {$this->name} and Model is: {$this->model}";
/* Toyota is inherited from Car and is referred to as child class*/
class Toyota extends Car{
// the __construct() and info() is inherited
//child class method
public function details() {
echo " <br> I'm the child of Car class";
$toyota= new Toyota('Camry', 2021);
In PHP 8 the above can be written in this format..
class Car{
public function __construct(public $name, public $model) {}
public function info() {
echo "Car Name: {$this->name} and Model is: {$this->model}";
class Toyota extends Car{
public function details() {
echo " <br> I'm the child of Car class";
$toyota = new Toyota('Camry', 2021);
Car Name: Camry and Model is: 2021
I\'m the child of Car class
Thank you for reading this article.
Stay tune for the next article on the OOP Series: Polymorphism
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